Highfill Design
Scene design, scene painting, murals, illustration
4831 Flanders Avenue
Kensington, Maryland 20895
301 933-8874
Holly Highfill has designed sets for ballets, operas, and plays in the Washington area and throughout the country. She has been the principal scenic artist for most of these productions, and she has also painted scenery for numerous theater companies and scenery producers. In addition to theater work Ms Highfill has also done several large museum projects, designing and painting murals and other artwork for the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of the American Indian, the Audubon Society's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Florida, and the Robinson Nature Center in Howard County, Maryland. Ms. Highfill has MFAs in Painting and Scenic Design from the University of Wisconsin and a BA in Art History from Bryn Mawr College. She is a member of United Scenic Artists Local 829 as a scene designer and scenic artist.